Eating Disorder Treatment
At Victory Bay, the approach to treating eating disorders is tailored to each individual and takes into account their entire well-being, not just the symptoms of their condition. By collaborating with clients, Victory Bay aims to uncover the underlying causes of their eating disorders and equip them with the necessary tools and resilience to reclaim their lives through behavioral health treatment.

Treatment at Victory Bay
For adults with eating disorders, Victory Bay has an intensive outpatient eating disorder program with a multifaceted approach that includes evidence-based therapeutic approach, holistic care, management of co-occurring disorders, family involvement, and a multidisciplinary treatment team.
Eating disorders treated include:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
Disordered Eating (OSFED): Other specified feeding or eating disorders
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Clients enrolled in the eating disorder program can expect the following services as part of their program:
Group and individual therapies
Nutritional assessment and consultation
Psychiatric evaluation and med management
Staff supported eating
Case management